Thank you for taking the time to help me help you! I look forward to us connecting and talking very soon! 🙂
Pleased to meet you {{_firstname}}! It makes me happy that you're showing interest in your health! I shifted my brand into custom fitness and nutrition programming with one goal in mind; To give people the same results I've been able to generate for myself and my in-person clients over the years.
I understand your struggle, {{what_is_your_goal}} is pretty hard without some help!I take great pride in peeling apart the different variables in your life and creating a sustainable and effective health plan that molds to your life!
Thank you for taking the time to help me to better assist you, {{_firstname}}! After the launch, I would like to talk in greater detail on how I can help you in your fitness efforts! How would you primarily like to be contacted?
Creativ93 © 2025 Jenna de Leon Fitness
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